When Can a Traffic Ticket Be Dismissed?
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When Can a Traffic Ticket Be Dismissed?

July 15, 2023

Traffic tickets are given to New Jersey motorists for various reasons, and depending on the circumstances, some are dismissed. This is important because of consequences like high fines, insurance surcharges, points, and premium increases. Here are some helpful insights about how these tickets can be handled in court.

Can Incorrect Information on a Ticket Lead to a Dismissal?

An NJ traffic ticket has recognizable parts like a court ID number, ticket number, and the driver’s identifying information. An incorrect birthdate or misspelling does not invalidate a traffic ticket. The officer needs to prove that the defendant in court was the driver, and when they do, the ticket is valid, and the state will usually amend it.

The ticket will also include the nature of the alleged offense, where it occurred,  details about entering a guilty plea, and payment information. Some tickets are marked “court appearance required” with an accompanying court date.

The window of opportunity to pay a ticket or plead not guilty is short, so it is best to take care of it promptly. The fine shown might be less than the actual one for the offense, but courts sometimes do this to get paid sooner and prevent some drivers from arguing their cases in court. Yet, even when the lower amount is paid, the driver may still have to pay insurance charges and deal with points on their record.

Can a Lawyer Help Get a Ticket Dismissed?

The likelihood of getting a dismissal is higher when the driver has a clean driving record. Lawyers can also help get fines and penalties reduced for some clients. It is not uncommon for them to arrange for less severe moving violations, like not yielding at a stop sign, or to have points eliminated in exchange for a higher fine.

New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyers at Ellis Law, P.C. Help Clients Get Reduced Penalties and Dismissals

Before paying a traffic ticket or deciding to represent yourself in court, consider seeking legal help from our experienced New Jersey traffic ticket lawyers at Ellis Law, P.C. Call us at 732-702-6103 or complete our online form today to schedule a free consultation. We can fight to protect your rights. Located in Freehold, New Jersey, we serve clients in Asbury Park, East Brunswick, Toms River, Middletown, Jersey City, Long Branch, Neptune, Hudson County, Union County, Essex County, Monmouth County, Marlboro, and Ocean County, as well as Brooklyn and New York City.

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Ellis Law Center 87 South Street

Freehold, NJ 07728

Phone: 732-936-7755

Fax: 732-577-0100

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3535 NJ-66, Building #6,

Neptune City, NJ 07753

Phone: 732-785-4884

Fax: 732-577-0100

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Toms River

1861 Hooper Avenue

Toms River, NJ 08753

Phone: 732-741-1616

Fax: 732-577-0100

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4 Tindall Rd,

Middletown, NJ 07748

Phone: 732-863-2236

Fax: 732-577-0100

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Staten Island

32 Adele St,

Staten Island, NY 10305

Phone: 732-444-8974

Fax: 732-577-0100

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Jersey City

75 Montgomery St, Suite 202,

Jersey City, NJ 07302

Phone: 732-889-5179

Fax: 732-577-0100

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Staten Island

159 New Dorp Plaza,

Staten Island, NY 10306

Phone: 732-696-4811

Fax: 732-577-0100

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East Brunswick

197 NJ-18

East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Phone: 732-936-7755

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